• All information supplied will be recorded in your confidential medical records. 

Benzodiazepine & Pregabalm Policy

Please note that it is our practice policy that we do not prescribe regular Benzodiazepine Medication including Hypnotic Medication & Pregabalin (examples of medication include Diazepam, Nitrazepam, Temazepam, Zopiclone & Zolpidem)

  • If you are registering with our practice and are on any of the above medications you will need to be reviewed, and a reduction programme will be put in place until the drug is stopped. The practice will follow Local Health Board Guidelines in ensuring that it is managed appropriately.
  • On registration, you will be required to provide evidence of any current medication from your previous practice.

Contact Details



Height & Weight - Please tell us your most recent measurements for the following (if known).

Next of Kin

Family History



Past Medical History

Carer Information


Special Circumstances

Military Veteran


We now need you to provide proof of your identification and your address. We ask for 2 things:

Step 1

Step 2